Monday, July 28, 2008

Sculpturesque & Finished Version

Here is some of the stuff that I've been working on lately + a picture of one of the paintings that I never put up the finished version. I've been thinking about sculpture as a part of painting lately, I'm trying to do like 20 of these little bottles by the time that I have my show at the end of the summer. Hopefully sell em for cheap so everyone can have something to take home. Glorification of self destruction. anyways hope you enjoy where I'm headed and stay tuned for pictures of process blah blah blah!

Sacramental Excrements: 40X30in: Acrylic and Oil on canvas


JS said...

Sacramental Excrements is an amazing painting. i dig it. You layer this painting with skill.

I always look forward to what you are working on.

peace and love

Ken said...

I'm the guy on the plane from Dallas to Austin. I must say your work is awesome. I gravitate toward the monchromes and pieces with more open space, like the dayglo and "batik" pieces,regardless I think you will be well recieved in NYC. I may have to buy one before you become well known. Good luck to you
