Thursday, August 6, 2009

Huron, Ohio - 564 Miles to go

"Wind at their backs- the day starts off in fast forward motion across the remainder of eastern Montana. Finally after what seems like the greater part of the trip thus far. But not before a stop in Wolf Point on the Fort Peek indian reservation and other various shorter stops.

In Wolf Point, behind the local grocery store, Tonten & Estes scrounge in the dumpsters, finding full plates of fruit and bean dip. The pineapples ripe to perfection sunshine manifested in the flesh of golden triangular slices. The other fruit, excluding grapes busting with sweet and sour pungency, is sub-par. But the pineapples instill the taste of god on their beholders. While feasting behind the store, an indian kid saunters up and begins with admiration of the two, wishing and remarking his once there plans of a bicycle tour. He stands short, but is built like an ox, he has traveled around before and keys Tonten and Estes into the various hot spots on their rout, missions deploying food to the hungry, college towns relinquishing good times on those passing through. All in all a magnificent resource to happen upon. We walk back to his squat. A quaint white house with blinds drawn, a rusty white pickup parked outside, it's bed full of junk. It is dark inside and as a joint is rolled, Cool Breeze awakens to join in on marijuana festifities. Neither had smoked hash before, so it seems to be new experiences for all. The two living on the reservation just won the recent rodeo in the event of catching, saddling and riding a wild horse. Marcus, the propieter of visitation was the rider, cool breeze the roper. Marcus is a war veteran and is in training to become a UFC fighter...."

I'm ready to get off the road...but im close.


Anonymous said...

I've been following your journey and The Grateful Dead's version of Truckin' seems like to most appropriate soundtrack! Could we change the words to Bikin'??? Did you get my BD card before you left? I sent a check and it hasn't been cashed. Let me know when you get off the road. If you don't have it, I can send a replacement. Since we're all connected anyway, I'm glad that one of us is getting to make this trip! Love & blessings, Aunt V.

Mimi said...

Hi Sebastian! You must be closing in on Pennsylvania -- your great grandparents Turner were born in Wilkes Barre. Lots of relatives in that area & then before you know it you are in New York! Another great adventure begins in the Big Apple. You have made us all proud of you, man. What endurance. Vaya con Dios, Mimi

Anonymous said...

Dearest~ I imagine it's bittersweet to arrive at your destination after 47 days, 3500 miles, 6 flat tires, mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds, random friendships, switchbacks, reflection, ascending climbs for three hours and miles and days of mountains and "being here now!!" Whew, it wears me out just to type it! What an accomplishment, my son.

Pop and I watched Brave Little Toaster and for some reason thought of you throughout. There's a wonderful song called "The City of Light" and I will spare everyone the lyrics taking up room here, but check it out.

We are so proud of you, Sebastain/ you're ready for your next adventure and what a prime place to be. See you soon!


Unknown said...


keeping up with your travels. on my way to india myself. be safe. one love.

- jake