Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ninetynine Percent: Close, but still working

- 48X36X1.5 - 2009

MOdErN MAn - tW0 - 36X48

Circulatory Spinal Neurosurgery- 48in X 35in X 1.5in - 2009

Sometimes you have to make a choice and directions and projected futures. But it's whence you get back to your roots through new excursions that you get to a new and more sophisticated place. All art is a quest for the warmth of feeling the juxtaposition of your past and future; a visual memorial blip on the screen of green glowing radars that fades into your repertoire like so many other things. More patience; a virtue that is hard to learn but almost impossible to practice. If we could all just have some more of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love it. keep em coming. you truly have a gift!